Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Making Memorys =D

So this morning I was like all sad and worried cuz I still aint got a job and believe me that sucks!!! So there for I went on craigslist and call about a nanny job and they wanted to interview me tonight yes TONIGHT =) Ahh I me thrilld!! So I start heading down there with Ruth and my car is all acting strange and I'm like what the rip and Ruth says dont worry its fine..But then the tragic night started First the brake light came on so I screach around and the heat stoped working so are feet are freezing Brrr and then, Yes theres more.... Were all like lost and dont know were we are going so out of nowere theres a loud clunk and I scream a (badword) Ruth giggles car dies in the middle of a road at a light it just stoped died i was mad and laughing and mad so I'm all taking to dad like what do I do??? he says move the car when just then a guy nocked on my window and asked if I wannted him to push my car so he did right into the freddys parking lot..Hes a nice guy..so then we wate at freddys tell my dad gets there to load the car on the trailor and I found out that cars arnt light there very heavy...SO i finally make it to the interview like and hour late crazy i know but they were so nice and cool I think i got the job i am thrilled and pumped and thrilled can hardly breath =D..not sure if i got it but pretty sure i mean they loved me!! LOL


Debbie said...

LOL..Brooke you are very, very strange! I bet your car died because Ruthie was in it! And that's so weird that you guys both got calls for interviews on the same day!

Shannamae said...

haha, I miss your bubbly nature Brooke! :) I'm sure they loved you!

lyssamay88 said...

k Brooke, you really need to update this! :P tell us about your new job or something :)
