Monday, November 24, 2008

In memory of Grandma west!

This would have been my Grandmas 80Th birthday.
So in memory of her here is one of here favorite poems that she had me read to her ever time i was there she liked to fall asleep listening to it and it seemed to be the only thing i could calm her down with! =)


One night a man had a dream. He dreamed He was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from His life. For each scene He noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. One belonging to Him and the other to the LORD.When the last scene of His life flashed before Him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of His life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of His life.This really bothered Him and He questioned the LORD about it. LORD you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me.The LORD replied, my precious, precious child, I Love you and I would never leave you! During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Scum-mae and Arnold!

It had been so long scene I ran around in the trees hiding from other people.I almost forgot how fun it really was Intel Emily and I snuck out of Ruthie's house with her keys OOPS thought they were Emily's but scene we had them we figured why not take some "gum" from her car. So we did then we heard the front door creaked so we freaked ran down to the trees were we then hid Emily being bad and scared said the (s) word I giggled and said I love you.LOLL. We were freezing and had feet full of prickers my wight sock's were wet nasty and not so wight we then snuck back up to the house were we found out that Ruth locked us out so back to the car for more "gum" and again the door creaked so we hit the hill:P Emily slid all the way down on here knee I slid on my heals behind here saying Shiite loll it was an adventure of a life time even though we new when we dared to show are faces again and go back into the house Ruth would be waiting to kill us. She was waiting just as we thought but just could not be mad for my socks were in my back pocket full of mud and my feet nasty with my jeans rolled up to my knees and Emily's pants muddy and her feet just as nasty as mine with here jeans rolled up to her knees.We could not stop gigging it was a Kodak moment but we had no camera :( but I'm sure you can get a pretty good pic tor of it in your head. LOLL

Happy Birthday♥

Baby Carters 1st birthday. He loves John Deere tractors so we did it as the theme of the party!
Oh and he hates cake loll hes one strange little boy but I'm sure hes the cutest one you will every see (hehe)

His cake

He wasn't sure if you could drive his tractor on the cake

But he did it anyways

Barbaras Love!

Dear Brooke♥
Oh my Gee. Glad to see, you think so highly of me!Cuz you see, I think the same of Thee. You are so wonderful, like a piece of mint gum. That's how great you are to me.You see every time I see you,I get so excited I jump to the moon,then I catch myself. Cuz what if I wouldn't be able to get back down.That would be bad. I wanna see you so I don't wanna get stuck on the moon. Anyways, Just know that I think so highly of you! =D

Love Barbara♥

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We dont like this House!

Well...Dad got me and Ruth (whooo?) Ruth and I a cleaning job for a very rich guy with a very big house LOL. It took us 3 looong days starting at 8 and it was up in Wilson Ville so it was an hour drive a very pretty drive but a long one were Ruth tryed to kill me the whole way there and back she almost ran into like every car in front of us. :-0 I was very scared for my life!! But anywhoo it was the house that never ends Ruth made a song up for it "The House That Never Ends" The house that never ends it goes on and on my friend Me and Brookie started cleaning it not knowing what it was we will be cleaning it forever just because its the house that never end it goes on and on my friend...Blah Blah Blah!!
It had Huge windows and Ruth was scared of heights so I tryed to do them for her but the old guy who worked for dad wouldn't let me go up there because I like always had no shoes on and I guess that wasn't save so Ruth had to do the first ones and believe me I did not mind I got to make sure she stayed save HA like I did that i mean if she fell there was no way I could help her or save her so I sat on the floor texting great fun=D but the next day I kinda just a little bit felt bad so I did the outside of them I made sure dads worker guy wasn't around because again I had no shoes on and he would have made me come down. After 3 long days and 2 over tiered over work girls we did it we really really did it =D But then went back the next week for touch up but at least that went fast and easy =) so we did it and made it home alive.

Me on the way up

I made it=D
Ruth and her Lameness!
I had to go for a swim!
The mountain on the way there!
It on the way home!
A really cool church

Wilson Ville Chevrolet

I had to make Ruth take a pic of it because I never realized it was in Wilson Ville tell we drove past it (haha)
